Pregnancy after loss can be a very exciting and worrying time, where both parents might feel overwhelmed and particularly isolated. Others will be excited for you and may tell you to look forward and concentrate on this new baby… however, as a bereaved parent, you may still want and need to talk about our baby or babies that have died.
We offer our Pregnancy After Loss Support group which meets every 4th Thursday of the month between 7.00pm-8.30pm. This informal group is open to any parent going through a pregnancy after loss and is lead by peer supporters and a bereavement midwife.
It is an opportunity to come together with other bereaved parents and to draw upon the experiences of others who have also “been there”. Our peer supporters will be able to understand how you feel and may be able to offer you practical guidance as well.
Meeting Dates:
Please contact us for details
LRI Address
Antenatal Clinic, Kensington, Ground Floor
Leicester Royal Infirmary,
LGH Address
Antenatal Clinic, Maternity Unit, Ground Floor
Leicester General Hospital,
Gwendolen Rd,
LE5 4PW.
If you require any support, please see the Contact Us page.